Google+ Stuff That Matters! : Announcing the Calcutta Canvas initiative  Google+

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Announcing the Calcutta Canvas initiative 

Well, this is my new initiative, to do something useful for my homecity. Please consider joining the cause, if you're from Kolkata, or simply like the city. 

Anirban Chatterjee originally shared:
Announcing the Calcutta Canvas initiative 

My friends, 
Once of the recent ideas that struck me, revolves around building a sort of central gathering point, a knowledgebase if you'd like, for the city of Kolkata. After years of searching online for more information on the city, I've seen that only a minimal amount of that is available. And this is what I'm intending to change. 

The result is Calcutta Canvas, a project/initiative/mission/cause dedicated to the singular purpose of gathering and catering quality information on the city. I have the following plans for the initiative: 

1. G+, Twitter & Facebook accounts, with automated posting support. Whenever an article is posted on the site, the followers on G+, FB and Twitter will be automatically notified (as you see with my StuffThatMatters posts). 

The blog address that I've registered is and it'll be a group blog. I'll gladly accept anyone and everyone who can post anything on Kolkata. Whether you're from the city, or fancy it, or have taken a single trip to it, you're more than welcome to share your story, experience, info about anything Kolkata-specific etc. 

2. Noncommercial, no ads. For now at least, the project will be strictly noncommercial and voluntary. We won't generate any revenue from the service, because we too will benefit from the info available there. 

3. Dedicated forums and chatrooms. Once it gathers momentum, I'll build the necessary forum and chatrooms as required for the project, which will serve as a virtual gathering place for the readers and writers. 

4. Android app. Yes, I intend to make an Android app, for the task of bringing the latest articles from the site to the smartphone userbase. 

5. English, Bengali and Hindi, all 3 languages are welcome for posts. 

6. Dedicated categories for the articles include: 
A. My Story (about your experience in Kolkata)
B. News (anything relevant to Kolkata and Calcuttans)
C. Events (any event in and around Kolkata)
D. Reviews (got your opinion on a shop, restaurant, service etc? share it here) 
E. Tourism (about places in and around Kolkata, or anything in India, at least) 
F. Culture (stories, poetry etc as long as it's original)
G. Opinion (well, anything and everything about Kolkata)

Today, I've just started the project, at 7:00 PM. As such, it's still in infancy, as you see. Once the ball gets rolling, it'll benefit newcomers to the city, tourists, residents and everyone else. 


I am just a resident of this city, and I intend to volunteer. Since this project is noncommercial, neither I nor anyone else will get money for working. Rather, it'll be like posting on social media, posting for posting's sake, but something that'll benefit a lot of people. 

If you're interested, please do immediately consider replying. Let us do something useful for the City of Joy! 

#westbengal   #calcutta   #kolkata   #india  

Calcutta Canvas - Google+
The beating heart of the City of Joy!

from Stuff That Matters! - Google+ Posts

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