Google+ Stuff That Matters! : 2014 Google+

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Announcing the Calcutta Canvas initiative 

Well, this is my new initiative, to do something useful for my homecity. Please consider joining the cause, if you're from Kolkata, or simply like the city. 

Anirban Chatterjee originally shared:
Announcing the Calcutta Canvas initiative 

My friends, 
Once of the recent ideas that struck me, revolves around building a sort of central gathering point, a knowledgebase if you'd like, for the city of Kolkata. After years of searching online for more information on the city, I've seen that only a minimal amount of that is available. And this is what I'm intending to change. 

The result is Calcutta Canvas, a project/initiative/mission/cause dedicated to the singular purpose of gathering and catering quality information on the city. I have the following plans for the initiative: 

1. G+, Twitter & Facebook accounts, with automated posting support. Whenever an article is posted on the site, the followers on G+, FB and Twitter will be automatically notified (as you see with my StuffThatMatters posts). 

The blog address that I've registered is and it'll be a group blog. I'll gladly accept anyone and everyone who can post anything on Kolkata. Whether you're from the city, or fancy it, or have taken a single trip to it, you're more than welcome to share your story, experience, info about anything Kolkata-specific etc. 

2. Noncommercial, no ads. For now at least, the project will be strictly noncommercial and voluntary. We won't generate any revenue from the service, because we too will benefit from the info available there. 

3. Dedicated forums and chatrooms. Once it gathers momentum, I'll build the necessary forum and chatrooms as required for the project, which will serve as a virtual gathering place for the readers and writers. 

4. Android app. Yes, I intend to make an Android app, for the task of bringing the latest articles from the site to the smartphone userbase. 

5. English, Bengali and Hindi, all 3 languages are welcome for posts. 

6. Dedicated categories for the articles include: 
A. My Story (about your experience in Kolkata)
B. News (anything relevant to Kolkata and Calcuttans)
C. Events (any event in and around Kolkata)
D. Reviews (got your opinion on a shop, restaurant, service etc? share it here) 
E. Tourism (about places in and around Kolkata, or anything in India, at least) 
F. Culture (stories, poetry etc as long as it's original)
G. Opinion (well, anything and everything about Kolkata)

Today, I've just started the project, at 7:00 PM. As such, it's still in infancy, as you see. Once the ball gets rolling, it'll benefit newcomers to the city, tourists, residents and everyone else. 


I am just a resident of this city, and I intend to volunteer. Since this project is noncommercial, neither I nor anyone else will get money for working. Rather, it'll be like posting on social media, posting for posting's sake, but something that'll benefit a lot of people. 

If you're interested, please do immediately consider replying. Let us do something useful for the City of Joy! 

#westbengal   #calcutta   #kolkata   #india  

Calcutta Canvas - Google+
The beating heart of the City of Joy!

from Stuff That Matters! - Google+ Posts

Friday, 21 November 2014

Turn the screen into your personal planetarium, with Stellarium 

Turn the screen into your personal planetarium, with Stellarium 
StuffThatMatters: Astronomy & Computing 

One of the greatest things about modern computer software, counting in the power and flexibility of open source and the imagination of human mind, is our growing ability to simulate natural systems using digital means. I discussed Step and Celestia as part of Linux's educational software suite, and this time, let's discuss Stellarium

Planetariums have always fascinated me, dedicated singularly to the task of catering audio-visual edutainment on a myriad variety of topics, centering around my favourite domain of study, the universe. I am lucky to be a resident of Kolkata, India which houses the second largest planetarium in the world, the M.D Birla Planetarium ( ) situated in the southern part of the megacity. But not every town has one, and this is where Stellarium enters the scene. 

What's this thing called 'Stellaium'? 

Basically, Stellarium describes itself as "free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope". And that pretty much sums it up for the masses. It's essentially a simulation of the night sky, which you can customize by changing the place or time, the direction of observation, the type of visual grid (if you want any) etc. And most certainly, being open source, it's free to download, install, study, modify and share. 

It packs in latest and detailed information on more than 6,00,000 stars by default, and over 200 million stars can be added by enabling additional catalogues, and several additional interstellar objects as of now, and the list continues to grow each day. But if that's not enough for you, then there's always room for expanding the software using custom add-ons that can be written using the Qt scripting engine. This feature makes it possible for us to make small programs that can be executed by Stellarium itself, for the purpose of showing presentations, educational documentaries etc. 

Together with Celestia that I covered in a previous post (here: ), Stellarium forms a sophisticated astronomy software bundle. 


1. Software freedom: Pardon me for repeating this part like a mantra, being the open-source advocate that I am, but Stellarium is free, as in speech! You can freely download and distribute it as you see fit, being the good neighbour in the neighbourhood. In addition, the codebase of the software is available to study, modify and redistribute, as long as you follow the GPL. 

2. Lightweight: Although it looks really fancy, Stellarium consumes very little system resources, and can run smoothly on comparatively older systems. This gives us plenty of opportunities and ideas, to recycle that old computer sitting in the garage. 

The officially listed minimum system requirements show that even 256 MB of RAM and 150 of hard disk space can run Stellarium. 

3. Detailed and informative interface: The easy-to-use UI of Stellarium is packed with features. In addition to stars, nebulaes, planets, moons and even spacecrafts are simulated. 

4. Full customizability: The Settings allow you to tinker the configurations to your choice, helping you set the degree of detail you want, the amount of information visible by default, whether or not constellations are displayed as art, figures etc. 

5. HQ graphics: Well, the screenshots below do the talking, I guess. :) Eclipses are simulated nicely, and even the stars can be seen to be twinkling. The atmosphere is very realistic, and sunrise, sunsets, clouds etc are rendered beautifully. 

6. Telestope control: Other than all the software capabilities mentioned above, Stellarium serves as a master program for controlling digital telescopes attached to the computer, using an additional plug-in. A growing list of telescopes are being supported at present, and the list grows, as usual. 

Details can be found here: 

7. Extendibility: The default features of Stellarium are sufficient, but that doesn't restrict the user from programming additional content for the software. Scripts can be written using ECMAScript language, which Stellarium natively supports. But please ensure that you download the latest version of the software, because older versions aren't compatible with ECMAScript, relying instead on Stellarium's own scripting language, StratoScript. 

Even if you don't code yourself, there's a wealth of online plugins, some of them adding additional control or features, others unlocking additional details and objects. Even DSOs (Deep Space Objects) have been added to the program. 

In addition to all these, Stellarium supports graphical visualizations of supernovae, which are some of my favourites. The official site mentions the features of stellarium in further detail. 


Stellarium has a broad userbase - including scholars, researches, enthusiasts, academics and so on. Most certainly, a certain amount of astronomical know-how is expected from the userbase, but it's not mandatory. 

Having used Stellarium since 2009, I have personally used this software for aiding my studies, preparing projects and reports, simply delighting my friends and neighbours, and just satisfying my own curiosity. 

There's a well-maintained user manual if you're interested, which can be found on the official site. 


Stellarium is available free of cost, for most major platforms out there. Linux users can install it using their reposiroties, while dedicated binaries are maintained for Windows and Mac users. 

Download: (just select your system type, and the download will start). 


Stellarium, as a complement to my beloved KDE Education Software bundle, is a fabulous and fantastic software. It's a testament to the glory and power of open source, and as such, it deserves placement inside every astronomy class. But then again, even students of humanities will find this software useful, in my opinion, because it is our birthright to know about the universe we inhabit. 

After all, that's the motto of science and philosophy, my twin teachers. 

Sources and acknowledgement

Image credits: Wikimedia, and my Linux box. ;) Collaged, as usual, with #GIMP

#stellarium   #linux   #universe   #space   #freesoftware   #physics   #astronomy  

from Stuff That Matters! - Google+ Posts

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Hellenistic philosophies, what are thy actually? 

Hellenistic philosophies, what are thy actually? 
StuffThatMatters: Philosophy 

In this era of the constant evolution of new-age movements, ranging from Iskon in the east to Scientology in the west, people are genuinely confused. Yes, like the sheer diversity of smartphone apps waiting to do your bidding, there are whole belief systems out there dying to grab your attention. Every path screams "_This is the true path! Join us!"_, and maybe they do provide solace to some people, if not all of their followers. 

As rational organisms, we are always striving to make sense of the complexity that surrounds us.Why are we here, What's our purpose in this universe, and most importantly, How do we live properly and fruitfully, etc are the questions we humans (and our ancestors) have always asked ourselves. Strictly because of this, there developed a series of brilliant philosophies in Greece, following the death of Alexander the Great. 

What were those philosophies? 

These philosophies are usually regarded as Hellenistic philosophies, and they essentially began after the death of Alexander's tutor Aristotle, to be more precise. Before, philosophers like Plato, Aristotle and the pre-Socratics believed that philosophy should be used for making sense of the world around us - a tool for exploration of complex questions regarding the origin of the world, the nature of reality, and so on. But this all changed with Socrates, who shifted the focus of philosophy from metaphysics to ethics. 

According to Socrates, philosophy should instead deal with more practical, down-to-earth questions - such as how should we live fruitfully, how can we maximize our potential as human beings, how to have a good life, and so on. This is what served as the motivation for the post-Socratic philosophers of the Hellenistic age, nearly all of whom traced their beginnings to Socrates. 

Common Hellenistic philosophies 

Of the Hellenistic philosophies, four were the chief contestants for king of the hill title, each of which aimed to provide ataraxia (freedom from disturbances), alongside a good, meaningful and happy life. These were: 

I. Stoicism

Stoicism is derived from the word Stoa, which refers to the painted porch or colonnade, where the fathers of this philosophy used to gather. It was founded by Zeno of Citium, a merchant turned philosopher, who wanted to devise a practical philosophy of life that would answer the crucial questions. By far, Stoicism became the most important and successful of the Hellenistic philosophical schools, and became the de facto philosophy of the Roman intellectual majority, in the following years. 

The Stoic ideal is the Sage, a physicial embodiment of the Stoic philosophy, who is untouched by anger or grief, familiar with and yet isolated from anguish and anxiety, whose actions resound with the will of the cosmos. Notable Stoics included the early fathers of Stoicism, such as Zeno, Cleanthes and Chrysippus, while later Stoics are usually more familiar because their writings survive till date. Seneca, Rufus, Epictetus and emperor Aurelius of Rome form the paragon of Roman Stoicism. 

Salient teachings of Stoicism at a glance

1. Events and happenings don't affect us in any positive or negative way, rather we are affected by our judgements on them

2. Only our choices, thoughts and judgements are up to us. We can choose not to be bothered even in the face of adversities. 

3. The 'Self', in Stoicism, is our true nature. It is separate from the body, the senses and the thoughts. It is detached from all suffering, and is the impassive observer of everything. 

4. The only good in the world is virtue, the state of living in perfect accordance with nature. The nature here refers both to the cosmic intelligence (called Logos) as well as our individual natures. 

5. One is to nurture his/her mind constantly, and practice prosokeh or unfailing attention, to ensure that he/she doesn't stray away from the path of his/her philosophy. Stoicism is a living philosophy, and practical side of its teachings are as important as, if not more than, its theoretical side. 

II. Epicureanism

Epicureanism is a rival philosophy that grew out of the teachings of , a notable thinker of the Hellenistic age. Although people confuse the Epicureans with pleasure-seeking hedonists, the hedonism is the Epicureans is far from the usual frenzy of pleasure-mongering that we witness today. Instead, Epicurus teaches us to liv a very simple lifestyle, where we live contended with very little. 

Epicurus taught his disciples, and lived in harmony with them, in his house just outside Athens. The house had a garden attached, and thus the Epicurean school came to be known as The Garden

Points of Epicureanism 

1. Pleasure is the ultimate good, but there are two kinds of pleasure - kinetic pleasure (involving some sort of activity on our part) and static pleasure, which is just the absence of pain. Static pleasure is better than kinetic pleasure. 

2. Pain and pleasure are the two Masters, and the natural tendency of man and beasts alike, is to go towards pleasure and away from pain. 

3. All matter, including our bodies and souls, are made up of atoms. Therefore, there's no existence before birth, or following death. The atoms that make up our bodies, simply go and form something else after our deaths. Therefore, there's nothing to fear about death. 

4. Friendship, and living in a commune, is the ultimate way to enjoy pleasures. A simple diet of bread and water can suffice for Epicurean students, but according to them, he is poor who dines alone. 

5. Pain and pleasure are two sides of the same coin. What is the source of pleasure today, can cause us pain tomorrow. For example, something you love gives you pleasure, but its loss causes you pain. 

III. Scepticism

Scepticism or Skepticism   was developed by Pyrrho, who also served as its ultimate living embodiment. Sceptics were the ultimate doubters, who doubted their judgements, those of others, and even their own senses. However, weird as it may sound today, it was the way to peace for its followers. 

Scepticism teaches us that we can't be certain about anything, no matter how certain or reasonable it may seem. - as long as there's room for doubt. Therefore, all external disturbances are reasonable and apparent appearances at best. By shifting our attention from such potentially false projections of our senses (i.e false impressions), the Pyrrhonic skeptics argued that ataraxia can be attained. 

Scepticism at a glance 

1. There is no way we can be sure regarding the truth of the things that appear before us. It is up to us to make the judgement, but since senses are flawed, we can't reasonably conclude that they are real

2. Suspension of judgement, originally a Stoic development, has been incorporated into Scepticism. When we are unsure about the reality of anything, we should suspend our judgements on them. 

3. Complete knowledge of anything relies on flawless perception of the external circumstances, which is impossible because of our limited and flawed senses. Therefore, complete knowledge is unattainable. 

4. Even the thoughts are coloured by our perceptions, which can not be therefore relied upon. 

5. By shifting our attention from potential sources of worry to a thoughtless, relaxed state of the mind, is the key to freedom from disturbances. 

IV. Cynicism 

Cynicism, in my humble opinion, is the most radical and extreme of these philosophies. It advocates a state of constant practice of one's philosophy, but in addition, the philosophy of Cynicism advocates complete mental detachment from the societal norms, standards, customs etc

The name Cynicism is derived from the Greek work Kynikos, which literally refers to dogs. And in fact, the Cynics, like Crates and Diogenes, lived an existence that would be closer to that of the dogs than men. Diogenes famously resided inside a tub, masturbated in the open, ate scraps of food from the streets and even behaved like a dog when he was treated thus. Yet, Diogenes and Crates are regarded as the among the greatest of the Hellenistic philosophers. 

Cyncism at a glance 

1. Man is happier in his original state of nature, as opposed to in the artificial society created by man himself. 

2. The way to happiness is to isolate the mind from the dictations of the society. To live happily, one must actively learn to detach himself from the demands, norms and standards of the society. 

3. Man's true existence relies on very few things - sufficient food, a shelter and some garments. Everything else, be it jewels, fame or acceptance in the eyes of others, is additional, tne not worth the trouble. 

4. The wise man is he, who has mentally isolated himself from the society. However, this shouldn't refer to physical isolation, because the Cynic can fully well live inside the human society. 

5. The less you possess, the less you have to worry about. Thus, wealth and fame are the roots of much of our anxiety, worry and suffering. 

Other Hellenistic schools 

There were other Hellenistic schools of thought, such as Peripateticism (followers of Aristotle), Cyrenaicism (ultra-hedonists) etc but for most part, these schools were the ones that took the limelight. 

Besides, the modern day sees a lot of activity with regard to Stoicism, Epicureanism and Scepticism, especially. I strive to be a Stoic myself, to be honest with you, and there are a wealth of resources available online, regarding how to live happily and meaningfully with the use of these ancient bits of wisdom. 

In my humble opinion, man has realized that the standard, mainstream religions are not really the source of contentment or joy that they claim to be. That's why, we are once again switching back to the ancient philosophical wisdom. 

After all, philosophy is indeed the love of wisdom. :) 

Sources and acknowledgement 

1. A little history of philosophy (Warburton) 
2. Stoicism (John Sellar) 
3. Stoic Handbook (Newstoa) 
4. Philosophy for life and other dangerous situations (Evans)
5. A guide to a good life (William Irvine) 

Image credits: Wikimedia, collaged by me using #GIMP

#Stoicism   #Epicurus   #philosophyofhappiness   #philosophy   #peace  

from Stuff That Matters! - Google+ Posts

Monday, 27 October 2014

Hello World! 

Yet another page by me, mainly driven by my urge to share perhaps the greatest personal philosophy ever, #Stoicism . I created this page because I didn't want to make StuffThatMatters page crowded with short, self-help posts etc. 

But I couldn't resist the urge to share the Stoic teachings with the world, obviously. Well, all this is due to one simple reason - writing about Stoicism (or any topic, for that matter) will help me understand the concept better, while simultaneously enabling others like me to study it occasionally. Thus, it's a win-win scenario. :)

I don't know whether this announcement counts as stuff that matters according to you, so sorry in advance. :) 

Thanks everyone. 


The Spiritual Stoic originally shared:
Hello World! 

This is a non-commercial, voluntary page driven by one sole cause - to spread the spiritual and philosophical teachings, especially those ones developed by the Stoic teachers like Epictetus, Aurelius and Seneca that we can apply to our daily lives. 

I am but one person, +Anirban Chatterjee who maintains this page as of now, and totally for the cause I mentioned. My only other incentive is to learn #Stoicism  better, by the art of what I call Stoic posting

Obviously, as the tagline of the page notes, Epictetus tells us to embody our philosophies, i.e live according to them, instead of discussing them, but I believe that when you write about something, and help others grasp it using simple language, your own understanding of the concept deepens. 

As such, my Stoic brothers and sisters, this post starts the journey of my Stoic posts on Google+!

Warm regards from India
Anirban Chatterjee 

P.S: I maintain another page, StuffThatMatters, about pretty much anything scientific that interests me. If you like, you can check it out here: 

Also, my personal page remains +Anirban Chatterjee, although it will be used to host nothing other than my occasional smatterings. :)

Image credits: 

#Philosophy   #spirituality   #selfimprovement  

from Stuff That Matters! - Google+ Posts

Friday, 17 October 2014

'A Hymn to Science' by Dr. Mark Akenside 

'A Hymn to Science' by Dr. Mark Akenside 

This is a beautiful classical piece authored by the capable hands of English physician and poet Dr. Mark Akenside, who had famously turned to the path of science (medicine, to be precise) from theology. This also started a brilliant career, that saw the fusion between two great arts, science and poetry. And in this hymn, Akenside personifies science, as the great source of inspiration, intellect and passion, and yet, paradoxically, the child of them all. 

While we shouldn't, I agree, delve into blind fanboyism (without going to the depths), there's also significant need to recognize the majesty and glory of science, and not just Bah, Humbug! it off. An Aristotelian golden mean, or a Buddhist middle path between the two extremes should be the best approach, in my humble opinion. 

Hymn to Science
Dr. Mark Akenside 

Science! thou fair effusive ray
From the great source of mental Day,
Free, generous, and refin'd!
Descend with all thy treasures fraught,
Illumine each bewilder'd thought,
And bless my lab'ring mind.

But first with thy resistless light,
Disperse those phantoms from my sight,
Those mimic shades of thee;
The scholiast's learning, sophist's cant,
The visionary bigot's rant,
The monk's philosophy.

O! let thy powerful charms impart
The patient head, the candid heart,
Devoted to thy sway;
Which no weak passions e'er mislead,
Which still with dauntless steps proceed
Where Reason points the way.

Give me to learn each secret cause;
Let number's, figure's, motion's laws
Reveal'd before me stand;
These to great Nature's scenes apply,
And round the globe, and thro' the sky,
Disclose her working hand.

Next, to thy nobler search resign'd,
The busy, restless, human mind
Thro' ev'ry maze pursue;
Detect Perception where it lies,
Catch the ideas as they rise,
And all their changes view.

Say from what simple springs began
The vast, ambitious thoughts of man,
Which range beyond controul;
Which seek Eternity to trace,
Dive thro' th' infinity of space,
And strain to grasp THE WHOLE.

Her secret stores let Memory tell,
Bid Fancy quit her fairy cell,
In all her colours drest;
While prompt her sallies to controul,
Reason, the judge, recalls the soul
To Truth's severest test.

Then launch thro' Being's wide extent;
Let the fair scale, with just ascent,
And cautious steps, be trod;
And from the dead, corporeal mass,
Thro' each progressive order pass
To Instinct, Reason, GOD.

There, Science! veil thy daring eye;
Nor dive too deep, nor soar too high,
In that divine abyss;
To Faith content thy beams to lend,
Her hopes t' assure, her steps befriend,
And light her way to bliss.

Then downwards take thy flight agen,
Mix with the policies of men,
And social nature's ties:
The plan, the genius of each state,
Its interest and its pow'rs relate,
It fortunes and its rise.

Thro' private life pursue thy course,
Trace every action to its source,
And means and motives weigh:
Put tempers, passions in the scale,
Mark what degrees in each prevail,
And fix the doubtful sway.

That last, best effort of thy skill,
To form the life, and rule the will,
Propitious pow'r! impart:
Teach me to cool my passion's fires,
Make me the judge of my desires,
The master of my heart.

Raise me above the vulgar's breath,
Pursuit of fortune, fear of death,
And all in life that's mean.
Still true to reason be my plan,
Still let my action speak the man,
Thro' every various scene.

Hail! queen of manners, light of truth;
Hail! charm of age, and guide of youth;
Sweet refuge of distress:
In business, thou! exact, polite;
Thou giv'st Retirement its delight,
Prosperity its grace.

Of wealth, pow'r, freedom, thou! the cause;
Foundress of order, cities, laws,
Of arts inventress, thou!
Without thee what were human kind?
How vast their wants, their thoughts how blind!
Their joys how mean! how few!

Sun of the soul! thy beams unveil!
Let others spread the daring sail,
On Fortune's faithless sea;
While undeluded, happier I
From the vain tumult timely fly,
And sit in peace with Thee.

Image Credits: Wikimedia 

#science   #poetry  

from Stuff That Matters! - Google+ Posts

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Visualize classical physics with Step, the best free physics simulator 

Visualize classical physics with Step, the best free physics simulator 
StuffThatMatters: Open Source Software 

Step is one of the least known, but best developed software I have encountered, used and been fascinated by. A free software, free as in speech, Step is a testament to the glory of open-source, and tells us yet again, why Linux is best suited for education. 

Step is actually a simulator, that simulates the behaviour of real-world particles as per the laws of classical Newtonian mechanics. This helps us see the laws of mechanics in action, in real time. This might be a bit unfamiliar at first, especially if you haven't used a physics simulator previously, but basically it is quite similar to the particle simulators available on Android. Only, it's much, much better and feature-rich. 

What's this thing called Step? 

Step, as the KDE project page describes it, is an interactive physics simulator. However, that's a very brief description, and doesn't, in my opinion, do justice to the abilities of this fascinating piece of software. 

Step is a powerful 2-D engine that is capable of simulating the laws of physics, involving the intuitive and counter-intuitive interactions between simple particles, forces, mechanisms such as motors, springs, waves etc. It is hugely expandable, thanks to the inbuilt scripting ability, and a whole array of downloadable examples make it one of the best in its category of simulators. 

What can I do with Step? 

Step allows you to visualize the laws of physics. Mostly, we understand things like Coulomb's law of electrostatic attraction or the classical law of Newtonian gravitation etc with the use of: 

1. Math equations 

2. Static diagrams 

However, Step adds one more dimension to this process of grasping the concept, by allowing us to view the dynamism of these laws, mechanisms, actions of simple machines etc. Rather than limiting ourselves to a static approach, Step helps us get a more dynamic picture of the process, using precise mathematical computation and an adorable array of visual elements. 

An excellent use of Step, as I've discovered recently, is its ability to work with Kinetic theory. Using the particulate model of gases, Step allows us to see for ourselves, how macroscopic properties like pressure, temperature etc are related to the microscopic interactions between the constituents of these gases. It's a joy to witness the mechanism. 

The above screenshot of Step, grabbed from Wikimedia, shows the simulation of simplified gasoline system, generated using particulate model of gasoline as per the kinetic theory

Unique features of Step 

Other than being completely free to download, install, share, distribute, study the code of, and modify, Step packs in an array of beautiful features that make this software so adorable. The official list of features can be found here:

Some of notable features, that I find delightful, are as follows: 

1. Measurements: Step can be used to measure the data mined out of simulations. Various parameters, ranging from vector sum of forces to the average pressure of a compressed gas at a given condition etc can be calculated and displayed in real time using Step. 

2. Graphs: Step can automatically generate graphs of parameters against other parameters, thereby telling us more about the state of the mechanism we're simulating at any given point of time. 

3. Automatic unit conversion: Units are handled and converted automatically. To quote from the official documentation, "you can enter something like '(2 days + 3 hours) * 80 km/h' and it will be accepted as distance value"

4. Error calculation: Step helps us visualize how the final state of a system changes, even when we enter the initial parameters with error margins. 

5. Lightweight: Step, relying on the powerful UNIX philosophy, is extremely lightweight, and can run on virtually any old computer (by today's standard, at least). 

6. Downloadable examples: Other than creating and storing your own mechanisms, you can download a vast collection of freely available examples, to help you see how Step works. 

7. Flawless simulation: Simulation is not buggy at all, and can run smoothly whether you have a modern graphics card or not. 

How to install 

Officially, Step is a part of the larger KDE Education Project, a bundle of free, high-quality software for promoting the use of Linux (mainly K Desktop Environment) in education and research. As such, it's available readily for Linux-based OSes, through various repositories and package managers. 

It's also available as the source, if you're willing to study/modify/compile it from scratch, on its official website. 

For non-Linux systems, Step isn't readily available. However, Windows users can make use of KDE on Windows, which can then run Step. However, being a native Linux user, I confess that I haven't tried it practically. 

If you ask me, Step gives you an excellent reason to switch to a free software OS for education and research. You can always keep your existing Windows or Mac, and dual-boot a Linux OS like Ubuntu or OpenSuse, to harness the benefits the great open-source initiative and Free Software Movements have to offer. 

References and links (Official project page) (Step Handbook)

#KDE   #science   #freesoftware   #physics   #linux  

from Stuff That Matters! - Google+ Posts

Monday, 6 October 2014

de Mere's paradox: how mathematics impacts the world more directly than we think it does

de Mere's paradox: how mathematics impacts the world more directly than we think it does
StuffThatMatters: Science & Mathematics 

Mathematics is everywhere – from simple, day-to-day calculations involving profits and losses to the complicated equations that reveal to us the profound nature of the depths of reality, in the form of quantum mechanics. However, little do we use our mathematical reasoning to make sense of this seemingly senseless world. As did Chevalier de Mere, of France, a mathematician who liked to bet in French salons and bars, for the sake of understanding the probabilities behind betting. 

Mere was quite fascinated with particularly one problem – the bet that we'd see a 6 come up when a dice is rolled 4 times, put against the bet that 2 sixes will come up when a pair of die are rolled 24 times. Naturally, Mere concluded that the probabilities of both these events were equal, on the basis of mistaken empirical probability, and he did regret his mistake. 

And interestingly, this problem also started modern probability theory

Initial solution

We all know that a die has 6 faces, with numbers 1-6 embedded on each side. So, when we throw a die, there are 6 possible outcomes. The probability of a 6 coming up would be: 

P ( a 6 comes up ) = number of desirable outcomes / number of possible outcomes
= 1 / 6

And similarly, when we roll 2 dice simultaneously, there are 6 x 6 possible outcomes = 36 outcomes. 

So, P ( a double-six comes up ) = 1 / 36

Now, Mere concluded that since 4 / 6 = 24 / 36

the probabilities of both the events are equal. However, he observed the following: 

1. When he took the first bet, i.e betting that a 6 would come up on rolling a single die for 4 times, he won most of the time, and gained money.

2. Growing confident, Mere betted that a double-six would turn up, when a pair of dice were rolled for 24 times, and he lost lots and lots of money! The more he played, the angrier he got seeing that he was losing most of the time. And this continued for a long time.

Pascal and the correct interpretation

Frustrated, de Mere contacted Pascal, who then correctly framed the problem. Let us look at it more clearly, using the same classical model of empirical probability. 

For the first scenario, we roll a single die for 4 times. Naturally, the number of possible, equiprobable (i.e equally possible) outcomes is 6 each time. Now, since the experiment is done 4 times, i.e the die is rolled 4 times, the number of equaprobable outcomes is 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 = ( 6 ) ^ 4

Now, each time, if we don't get a 6, we lose. So, the probability of getting a 6 each time is 1 / 6, but the probability of NOT GETTING a 6 is 1 – 1 / 6 = 5 / 6

When the die is rolled 4 times, the probability of not getting a 6 in the process becomes: 

( 5 / 6 ) x ( 5 / 6 ) x ( 5 / 6 ) x ( 5 / 6 ) 
= ( 5 / 6 ) ^ 4

So, the probability of winning the bet, i.e a 6 turning up in the experiment, is: 

P ( Getting a 6 ) = 1 – P ( Not getting a 6 )
= 1 - ( 5 / 6 ) ^ 4 
= 1 – 5^4 / 6^4
= 1 – 625 / 1296
= 671 / 1296 
= 0.5177 ( approximately) > 0.5 

So, P ( Getting a 6 ) > 1/2, i.e when the experiment is repeated for a large number of times, it is more probable that the bet will be won, since there's MORE THAN 50% chance that it will be won. 

The second scenario: why de Mere lost the bet 

Now, for the second scenario, for each time the pair of dice is rolled, we have 6 possible outcomes for the first die in the pair, and 6 for the second die. So, there are 6 x 6 = 36 possible combinations = 36 equiprobable outcomes. 

Now, the probability of getting a pair of sixes is 1 / 36 , and so the probability of not getting that would be: 

P ( Not getting a pair of sixes ) = 1 – 1 / 36
= 35 / 36 

And so, when the pair of dice is rolled for 24 times, we are conducting the experiment 24 times. So, the probability of not getting the desired result in 24 rolls would be: 

P ( Not getting a pair of sixes in 24 rolls ) = ( 35 / 36 ) x ( 35 / 36 ) x ... (24 times)
= ( 35 / 36 ) ^ 24
=  11419131242070580387175083160400390625 / 22452257707354557240087211123792674816
= 0.5086 (appx)

So, P ( Getting a pair of sixes in 24 rolls ) = 1 – 0.5086 
= 0.4914

Naturally, P ( Getting a pair of sixes in 24 rolls ) < 1/2

And so, there's less than 50% chance of winning the second bet, i.e most of the time the bet will be lost when the pair is rolled for a large number of times. 

A mathematical philosophy? 

Blaise Pascal, one of my many heroes, was also a philosopher. And his philosophy involved the use of mathematics, to make bets. Because Pascal, as we know, used to see the reality itself as a betting table. He used mathematics to justify the belief in the Christian God, famously. While that justification is rightly challenged and disputed, his use of mathematics, for solving the crises we face while taking decisions in daily life, is noteworthy. 

Pascal's philosophy involed what is known as the rational utilization of expected values, or E.Vs, to make decisions. Whenever we have to make a choice, we're virtually gambling, because our course of action is much like a bet against the unknown. And how should we place this bet? Much like de Mere's first bet, with a positive E.V (or +EV). 

That is, we should take decisions which have a greater than 50% probability of being successful. And if a decision has a -EV, i.e less than 50% chance of getting successful, then we should possibly abandon it. 

It's all a very general, very brief and very rough explanation of Pascal's philosophy, mind you, but the important thing is to realize that he managed to combine philosophy and mathematics, thus providing a more concrete reasoning behind ethical problems. 


This problem, named after de Mere, is indeed a veridical paradox, as ProofWiki notes. I already used the term in my previous posts, and these are just cases in which the premise is simple to understand, but the outcome is counter-intuitive, i.e against what we'd commonly believe. 

This shows us yet another scenario of a self-evident fact, that the universe is mathematical. More philosophically speaking, the reality itself seems to prefer mathematics. Maybe the Anthropic principles will tell us why, some day. Till then, take care. 


Magnificent Mistakes in Mathematics (Alfred Posamentier)

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from Stuff That Matters! - Google+ Posts

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Aryabhata I, the father of trigonometry and zero 

Aryabhata I, the father of trigonometry and zero 
StuffThatMatters: Notable people 

One of the, if not the, greatest formulations in the human history is the Indo-Arabic system of numerals, that we currently use in most places. This elegant and simple system of numbering things, using just 10 symbols - 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 0 - it's an absolute beauty. And without it, had we been using the old western (Roman) system of numbering, with I, II, XI etc mathematics would certainly have taken a blow. 

This number system was first put in place by the great Indian mathematicians of the classical age of Indian history (during the Gupta dynasty). And arguably, much of the credit for formalizing this system can be given to Aryabhata I

Who was Aryabhata? 

Aryabhata, also called Aryabhata the first or Aryabhata the elder, to distinguish him from Aryabhata the second, is regarded as the greatest mathematician and astronomer of India'a classical age. Before him, there were great scholars like Baudhayana, Lagadha but it was Aryabhata who gave a formal touch to the subject of mathematics, founded trigonometry (especially the sine and versine functions), formally introduced 0 as a number and much more. 

Born in central India (although his birthplace is debated) in 476 AD, Aryabhata witnessed an age of tremendous scientific and mathematical progress in India, thanks to the patronage of the powerful Gupta emperors. He made use of this opportunity, joined the prestigious Nalanda University (an ancient seat of learning in eastern India) and authored some of the greatest mathematical works. 

Contributions to science and mathematics 

Without Aryabhata, many of the things we take for granted today, would not have been around. Whenever we dial a phone number, do some transactions or programming, use the sine function in calculus or just know that a new day has begun as soon as the clock struck 00:00 AM, we are unknowingly indebted to Aryabhata. 

As a mathematician, Aryabhata modified the already present Indian place-value system, and formalized it to make room for 0. This is open to debate, though, but it is usually accepted that Aryabhata was the first to develop the concept of Shunya in mathematics, which still serves as the Indian term for zero

Contributions in mathematics 

1. Zero and the place-value system: As already mentioned, Aryabhata modified and formalized the Indian number system. In the tabular arrangement of digits, he used the term Kha to denote zero. It is unclear though, whether Aryabhata crafted the symbol for 0, or it was done by some other Indian mathematician, but it is accepted that the symbol for zero is round because it is made to mimic the round depression in the sand left, after we take out a pebble from it (one of the ways the Indians loved to calculate). 

2. Discovery of the value of pi: Although pi, our beloved number, was discovered long before Aryabhata, and was used in cultures such as ancient Egypt, Aryabhata was the first to correctly estimate it to upto four decimal places, using his elegant and purely arithmetic approach. In his works, we find the value of π to be: 

 π = 62,832/20,000 = 3.1416 

3. Sine function and trigonometry: Although basics such as the Pythagorus Theorem existed before Aryabhata, it was he who virtually founded the discipline, giving rise to the very common functions sine, cosine, (Jya and Koti-jya). Using nothing other than Pythagorus theorem, Aryabhata wrote the first ever trigonometric tables, carefully calculating the values.

Using this great knowledge, later Indiana astronomers were able to estimate the relative distances of the sun and other planets, right from the earth itself.

4. Powered arithmetic series: Aryabhata formulated the equations for calculating the sum of any finite series of squares and cubes of natural numbers. The following equations appear in his work:

1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 + ... + N^2 = N x ( N + 1 ) x ( 2N + 1 ) / 6,

1^3 + 2^3 + 3^3 + ... + N^3 = ( 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + N ) ^ 2 = { N x ( N + 1 ) / 2 } ^ 2

5. Aryabhata algotirhm and Diophantine equations: Aryabhata's work on the Diophantine equations (of the form ax + by = c) were referenced by later mathematicians like Bhaskara I, Mahavira and Brahmagupta. His method involved breaking down the first-order standard Diophantine equations into smaller and newer equations with smaller coefficients, thereby utilizing the method of continued fractions finally. 

Aryabhata referred to this method as Kuttaka (fragmenting into smaller pieces). This method is used in modern disciplines such as cryptology with great vigour. 

6. Ganita and the systematization of mathematics: Aryabhata used the term Ganita to refer to his mathematics, although Ganita was much more than that. It was essentially a philosophy of mathematics, which was subsequently carried by the Arabs of the Islamic empire to Europe. Many great early mathematicians were greatly influenced by this concept of Ganita, and Aryabhata's number system. Fibonacci, for example, had argued in the favour of the Indian number system as opposed to the Roman system, after virtually bringing this system to Europe. 

Contributions in astronomy 

Other than being a first-class mathematician, Aryabhata was also hugely interested in astronomy. Long before Newton would eomply the full might of mathematics to bind the heavens to our intuition, Aryabhata utilized simple observations and geometry to frame what would finally be the first truly Heliocentric theory of the solar system. 

1. Rotation of earth: Before Aryabhata, it was believed that the cosmic bodies like stars and planets themselves moved, while the earth stayed in the same place. But Aryabhata correctly explained the concept of terrestrial rotation, that the earth itself rotates on its axis daily, thereby causing the illusion of a rotating sky. In Aryabhatiya, he describes the development of this radical new theory, using the counterexample of asterisms

2. Explanations of eclipses: Aryabhata also gave a very detailed description of the eclipses, and established them as optical phenomena rather than events caused by pseudo-planetary nodes of the lunar orbit, called Ketu and Rahu

3. Geometric model of the solar system: Although Aryabhata's own model was geocentric, it contained the roots of Heliocentrism in it. In addition, Aryabhata developed an observationally accurate model of the solar system, which was also the first truly geometric model in the Indian subcontinent. This influenced Arabian thinkers of the middle ages, and helped them further improve the model. 

4. Times of rotational and revolution periods: Aryabhata estimated the time of earth's rotation to 23 hours 56 minutes 4.1 s, while the modern value is 23 hours 56 minutes 4.091 s! This would tell us how accurat and sophisticated his calculations were. 

He also estimated the time of earth's revolution to be 365.25858 days, as opposed to the modern value of 365.25636 days. These were the most accurate values for thousands of years. 

5. Midnight day: Although the prevalent Hindu model was to consider dawn to be the beginning of a new day, Aryabhata's genius was to first formally establish the notion of midnight days. 


Aryabhata's works Aryabhatiya and Arya-Siddhantam are widely famous in India, although the latter has not been recovered fully. It's only through commentaries on his work and references, that we can estimate what was in his second book. 

The Muslim invaders obviously ransacked the great Nalanda university, after defeating the Indian kings through the use of treachery (battle of Tarain, 1192). Thousands of scholars were beheaded and burnt alive by the invaders, while great books and texts were plundered and burned. This, according to many, destroyed much of the data on Aryabhata we could have recovered. 

However, Aryabhata, the immortal mathematical giant of India, continues to live today through his works, without which much of modern-day mathematics would have been obsolete. The Indian government named its first satellite Aryabhata in 1975, in the honour of this great personality. 

To translate a portion of his biography from a Bengali text: 

"It was the middle of 499 AD, and the great scholars of the Nalanda university had gathered together - to welcome a young 23-year-old, polite of speech, radiant as the midday sun, before whom, even the elderly thinkers seem to feel nervous. With the sound of conch shells, Aryabhata, pride of the _Aryaas, walked in front, lifted his hands to the midday sun, and began his great work Aryabhatiya, that would one day redefine how we view the universe itself...*


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from Stuff That Matters! - Google+ Posts

Friday, 26 September 2014

Infinitely many infinities: a proof using Hilbert's Hotel paradox 

Infinitely many infinities: a proof using Hilbert's Hotel paradox 
StuffThatMatters: Mathematics 

Georg Cantor, the founding father of the wondrous discipline called Set Theory, was one of the greatest mathematicians of the 20th century, and as Prof. Marcus du Sautoy notes, maybe his mathematics was too ahead of his time, which contributed to its underestimated devaluation by his contemporaries. 

In here, let us discuss one of the greatest mathematical discoveries by Cantor, which is a rather mind-blowing conclusion for us all, and yet seemingly irrefutable (to date, at least). 

Taming the infinity 

Before Cantor, not many mathematicians worked with infinity, and it was widely thought that infinity was beyond the scope of mathematics. However, it was Cantor's genius that finally included the infinity, in fact, the infinities, into the paradigm of modern math. 

We are all pretty familiar with the symbol ∞, which is the symbolic representation of infinity. However, to think that there's only a single infinity, would be a premature conclusion. 

Hilbert's Hotel, a hotel with infinitely many rooms 

In his 1947 book, Cantor devised this beautiful and easily understandable veridical paradox (a statement with a very intuitive set of premises, but a bizzare and counter-intuitive conclusion), which he attributed to one of his mathematical heroes, David Hilbert. And this is what changed how we see infinity, forever. 

Premise: Let us assume that there's a hotel, run by Hilbert, which has infinitely many rooms! So, the room numbers can be written as the series below: 

1 , 2 , 3 ... ∞ 

To write it as a set, it'd be: 

{ x : x ∈ [ 1 , ∞ ) } 

Now, let us say that on a typical evening, Mr. David Hilbert sees that every room in the hotel is full, and there's no room left for anyone else. But then, 3 groups of guests arrive, and the fun starts. 

Group 1: Finite number of guests 

Ok, so at 7:00 PM, 5 new guests arrive at the hotel, and request Mr. Hilbert to reserve a room for each of them. Now, the hotel is already full, as we've mentioned. But Mr. Hilbert makes a clever solution. He shifts the occupants of each room n to the room n + 5

That is, the guy occupying room 1 shifts to room 6, the gal occupying room 2 shifts to room 7 and so on. 

Naturally, rooms 1 to 5 are now empty, and Mr. Hilbert easily books them for the new guests. 

Countably infinite guests 

Now, let us say that at 8:00 PM, another bunch of guests arrive, only they are infinite in number this time. So, the guests too, like the rooms, are numbers from 1 to ∞. They request rooms to Mr. Hilbert. 

Mr. Hilbert employs a yet cleverer solution, he makes each occupant at room n to the room 2n. So, the man at room 1 moves to room 2, the lady from room 2 shifts to room 4 and so on. Since n is a natural number, 2n excludes odd numbers from the list. 

So, all the odd-numbered rooms are now empty, and the guests now comfortably enter the rooms. 

Conclusion: Finite infinities can be equivalent. 

Uncountably infinite guests 

Ok, so at 10:00 PM, another group of infinitely many guests arrive, with each guest denoted by a real number (R) between 0 and 1. This time, there's trouble. 

Say, Mr. Hilbert empties the entire hotel for the newly arriving guests, and now all the rooms are empty. Then, he makes the following arrangement: 

Guest 0.1 moves to Room 1
Guest 0.2 moves to Room 2
Guest 0.n moves to Room n 

Now, all the rooms are now full. 

But there are guests left! Between 0.1 and 0.2, there are infinitely many numbers, 0.11, 0.12, 0.1113646247 and 0.164924848246284638 and so on! So where are they going to stay now? 

Conclusion: This demonstrates a very important property of the infinities, real number infinities are larger than integer infinities

Infinitely many infinities: power sets to the rescue 

So, let us say that Mr. Hilbert now grows really wary, and decides to build an ever grander hotel, with uncountably infinite rooms. 

Now, let us say that the third group of guests are grouped together to form a set S. So, n(S) = ∞ (i.e the cardinality of the set, or the number of elements in the set, is infinite).  

But, what about P(S), i.e the power set of S? (I explain power sets at the end of this post, refer to it if you're not familiar with it). We know that the cardinality of a power-set is given as: 

n( P(S) ) = 2 ^ ( n(S) ). 

Now, the same group of guests arrive again, and demand rooms. Mr. Hilbert can now easily accommodate them all, with the following process: 

Guest 0.1 shifted to Room { 0.1 } 
Guest 0.172646 shifted to Room { 0.172646 }
Guest x ∈ ( 0 , 1 ),  x ∈ R shifted to Room { y : y ∈ ( 0 , 1), y ∈ R } 

So, since 2 ^ n(S) > n(S), there must be rooms still left, even after accommodating these guests. That is, when each guest is shifter to the room whose name is the singleton set containing the number associated with the guest, all those elements of the power-set containing non-singleton sets, such as { 0.1 , 0.2 }, { 0.1 , 0.4 , 0.6 }  etc are now empty! 

Naturally, infinitely many rooms are still empty. 

Now, there's a power-set of the power-set itself, so if a group of people now arrive at the hotel, with each person associated with an element of the power-set of the power-set set of the real-number infinity between 0 and 1, the hotel will be blocked once again, with infinitely many people left without rooms. 

Conclusion: So, there are infinitely many infinities. At first, we see that the power-set of the real-number infinity set is larger than the latter, but then again, every power-set can have its own power-set. And since there can be indefinitely many, infinitely many power-sets, there are infinitely many infinities (proved). 

A bit of explanation 

Although set theory is the very basic thing behind this, non-mathematics students may not be familiar with it. So, here's a brief discussion. 

Set: A set is roughly any group of things, known as its elements. These can be numbers, letters, names and anything else. For example, S = { 1 , 2 , 3 } is a set of 3 elements. If an element e is in a set, it is written as e ∈ S (i.e e belongs to S). 

Cardinality: The cardinality of a set is the number of elements it contains. It may be finite or infinite. It's written as n(S). 

Subsets and supersets: Subsets are sets such that, every element of the subset P are present in the original set S. But not vice versa, usually. They are written as P ⊂ S. 
Likewise, supersets are sets such that, every element of the set S are present in the superset Q. They are written as S ⊂ Q. 

Power-sets: A power-set, P(S), is a collection of all possible subsets of a set S. It has a number of elements given as 2^n, where n is the number of elements on the original set. For example, let S = { 1 , 2 , 3 }. So, all possible subsets of S are given below: 

{ } (empty set, with no elements) 
{ 1 } 
{ 2 } 
{ 3 }
{ 1 , 2 }
{ 1 , 3 }
{ 2 , 3 } 
{ 1 , 2 , 3 }

Naturally, the power-set is a set containing all these. So, 

P(S) = { { } , { 1 } , { 2 } , { 3 } , { 1 , 2 } , { 1 , 3 } , { 2 , 3 } , { 1 , 2 , 3 } } 

And clearly, n = 3, so number of elements in P(S) = 8 = 2^3. 

Set theory is a very broad theory, and so there's a lot more to explain, but I guess this can do for our purpose here. 


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Wednesday, 24 September 2014

5 great Computer Algebra Systems that you can get for free 

5 great Computer Algebra Systems that you can get for free 
StuffThatMatters: Mathematics & Computing 

For mathematicians, chemists, engineers and physicists alike, calculations are a must. And doing lengthy calculations by hand is both tiresome and error-prone. This is why Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) are important. 

What are Computer Algebra Systems?

But for starters, here's an introduction to CAS. Basically, a Computer Algebra System is a piece of software that can work with equations, matrices, graphs and other mathematical constructs, because a CAS is specially designed for one single purpose - manipulation of mathematical constructs.

You can always calculate a large but straightforward arithmetic problem with nothing but a calculator, or the usual software on your computer, but what about the roots of an equation, say x^3 + 7x^2 + 9x + 10? Or, what if I ask you to invert a 4 x 4 matrix? This is where CAS software come into play, it can just take the equation, solve it instantly and return you the result, and even tell you the steps (in some commercial software). 

Some examples of what a CAS can do for you 

1. Solving linear, quadratic, differential equations etc. 

2. Differentiating/integrating functions. 

3. Expanding/simplifying expressions. 

4. Plotting/graphing functions. 

5. Manipulate special types of data, such as matrices, arrays, intervals etc. 

Free CAS software you can download now 

Now, for those who use CAS, Mathematica and Maple are like the Holy Grails of CAS. But not everyone can afford them, especially since those software are pretty aggressively priced. And being an advocate of open-source and software freedom, I always look out for better, open-source alternatives. 

Of course, there are many, many features which Mathematica and Maple offer, that will never be found in the free software I mention below, but unless you're really, really serious about your mathematical computation, I believe things like Maxima, Sage etc will work flawlessly for you. Be warned though, there's a bit of learning curve in each of them, but plenty of online documentation and volunteers are available to help you. 

So, here they are. 

1. Maxima 

Maxima is my personal favourite, when it comes to open source CAS software. It's fast, it's comprehensive and it's expandable, plus there's a great deal of information about it online. 

Maxima was originally based on Macsyma (hence the name), but the original CAS got discontinued, and Maxima survives today. It includes a powerful mathematical programming language, that you can use to code scripts (executable via maxima interpreter). 

Learning it is pretty straightforward, plus it's available on a variety of platforms. Be sure to use a GUI if you plan to install Maxima, such as wxMaxima, GMaxima (on GTK+ interface) etc. Also, for Linux users, KDE's fantastic front-end Cantor can be linked with Maxima, which is perhaps the best combination. 

Download: (check the Downloads section) 

2. Sage (System for Algebra and Geometry Experimentation 

Sage is in itself a complete package, and much more complete than Maxima so far as the integrated GUI is concerned. But here's the catch - instead of packing a GUI of its own, Sage makes use of your existing browser to give you a notebook-like interface, that you can use for all your calculation needs. 

The notebooks of Sage are a delight to use, and there's an integrated tutorial that guides you well. Even better, you can keep the entire installation as a binary on your pen-drive, and then access it on each machine you own. Recently, an online version of Sage is also being developed, with a native Android app for easy access. 

One problem, however, is the lack of any Windows version of Sage. 

Download: (for Linux & Mac systems) 

3. Mathomatic 

Mathomatic is a general purpose CAS, and it excels with regards to its size. It's really lightweight and small, but this comes at a price. It can only deal with elementary algebra, and it doesn't have a GUI. 

Instead, mathomatic makes use of your terminal (DOS-like prompt in Windows), and requires you to use its specialized syntax. 

But yes, mathomatic is available for almost all OSes out there. Linux users can install a PPA to stay updated, and Windows users can just follow the old .exe download + installation process. 


4. Reduce 

Reduce was previously a commercial CAS, but since 2008 (IIRC) it's open-source. It's primarily meant for physics, especially astronomy-related calculations. It's a brilliantly programmed software, and has been developed for over a long time, since the 1960s. This gives it an edge over other, newer solutions. 

Reduce is also available for a variety of platforms.


5. OpenAxiom 

OpenAxiom, or simply Axiom (following the publication of its code). Like Reduce, it too has been in development for a long time. However, it's perhaps the most frequently developed one in the list. 

I confess, that unlike the other four in the list, I haven't used Axiom well enough. In fact, I just downloaded it day before yesterday, and decided to give it a shot. But from what I've seen, other than the lack of a GUI, it's quite powerful. Also, as the website states, work is under way, to develop the software into a fully usable GUI-backed solution for computational needs. 



Well, these software are nowhere near Maple or Mathematica, but then again, the total price you'll have to pay for all these 5 software is $0.00. And that amounts to something, I guess. 

These glorious software demonstrate the beauty of open-source and the idea of software freedom. Thousands of volunteers are working hard so that we may use them, and the makers get nothing in return. In fact, I believe they are somewhat like me, since I maintain this page only for sharing what little I know with everyone, without any commercial interests. Only, they are much, much, much better than I am, because what they've designed is million times better than my act of spreading the word. 

If these software benefit you, please be sure to spread the word. 


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Mars & Beyond: A brief account of India's journey to space 

Mars & Beyond: A brief account of India's journey to space 

Today, the 24th of September, 2014, will forever be remembered as one of the days that saw history being made. The Mars Orbiter Mission, also known as Mangalyaan is India, has successfully reached the Martian orbit, in its very first, maiden attempt to do so. This is truly spectacular, since it's the first time any space research body in the world, has been successful in reaching the Martian orbit on its own, at the first attempt. 

The Mangalyaan (Mars-craft) was launched on 5th November, 2013. It carried a suite of 5 kg of scientific equipments, and attempts to study the upper Martian atmosphere and minerals on the surface of Mars. It is being monitored and guided by the IDSN (Indian Deep Space Network), which is equivalent to the Deep Space Network operated by NASA. 

MOM, why the hype? 

Out of 51 missions sent to the Martian orbit, only 21 have been successful. Besides, no country had previously been successful in doing this feat in the first attempt, this is what makes the MOM so important. 

But in addition, MOM is also the most cost-effective and economical deep space mission in the recent times. The US's MAVEN craft, that was launched alongside MOM, costs around 10 times more than MOM. As Business Insider notes, "The $74 million bill for India’s Mars Orbiter Mission is the lowest compared to missions of other space agencies. For instance, NASA's Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN's (MAVEN), which reached Mars on September 21, cost was $617 million"

BBC additionally notes  that MOM is "the cheapest inter-planetary mission ever to be undertaken by the world".

This amount to only a meagre Rs. 4.00 per person. And it's less than the cost for organizing an IPL (Indian Premiere League, a nationwide cricket match series held annually). It's significantly less that budgets of hi-fi Hollywood movies like Pirates of the Caribbean III. 

A brief history of ISRO 

I969: ISRO is established on the 15th of August, and brought under the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), India. 

1972: The Indian government establishes the Indian Space Commission and Department of Space (DoS). ISRO is brought under the umbrella of the DoS. DoS reports direct to the Prime MInister, and is an otherwise independent body, securing flexibility in the operations of ISRO. 

1975: ISRO is brought under direct control of the Prime Minister, and also launches its first ever indigenously built satellite, the Aryabhata, named after the great Indian mathematician who had developed the Indo-Arabic number system (that we use today). 

1979: India's second satellite, Bhaskara I, is launched. 

1980: ISRO successfully launches Rohini I on the indigenously built SLV (Satellite Launch Vehicle). 

1983: The Rohini 3 telecommunications satellite is launched successfully. 

1984: With Soviet collaboration, the Indian astronaut, Rakesh Sharma, becomes the first Indian to reach and spend 7 days in space.  

1992: Following two failed attempts to use the Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle ASLV), ISRO tastes success with INSAT-2, the indigenously built geostationary satellite. 

1999: - More powerful Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV), for the first time, launches 3 satellites in one ago. The PSLV could initially lift 1000 kg payload to a Sun-synchronous polar orbit. 

2001: The Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) is tested successfully, with the initial capacity to lift 2500 kg load to a geosynchronous orbit. GSLV enabled India to do lift a series of weather and remote sensing satellites, and it is what powered India's dreams of the Mars exploration. 

2008: Chandrayaan I, India's first unmanned Lunar orbiter, is successful, and it becomes the first orbiter to detect the existence of water on moon. 

2013: Mangalyaan, India's Mars Orbiter Mission, is launched. 

2014: Manganyaan, as of today, successfully reaches the Martian orbit, and creates history for the world. ISRO becomes the first organization to successfully reach the Martian orbit in the first attempt, as well as the first Asian organization ever to do so. 

ISRO's Future projects 

Several projects have been undertaken by the ISRO, and are under various stages of implementation. Many of these are uniquely important, such as the celebrated Aditya I mission that is set to be implemented by 2017. 

Some of these projects are: 

1. Chandrayaan II: Following the success of Chandrayaan I, ISRO aims to send a second probe to the Lunar surface, using the GSLV system. It will also include a Lunar rover, alongside a more sophisticated orbiter. The primary aim of this mission would be to study the gradual evolution of the earth's satellite, as well as its origins. 

2. Aditya I: Aditya I will be India's first SEP (Solar Exploration Probe). It will contain the coronagraph modules to study the CME (Coronal Mass Ejections) and the formation and development of CME (Coronal Magnetic Field). 

3. Venus Explorer: ISRO is on its way of launching the first Indian Venus explorer. It will be launched by 2016, to study the weather patterns and overall climatic system of Venus. 

4. Equipments: A number of new and more powerful launch vehicles and other scientific instruments are being designed by ISRO. Some of these are the GSLV Mk-III, RLV-TD (Reusable Launch Vehicle Technology Demonstrator) and SCRE II (Space Capsule Recovery Experiment II). 


Image credits: TOI, , Business Standard, ISRO & Wikimedia

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Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Thanks to +Bonnie Clydes, the Power Circle is now online. I hope it benefits you all who would like ...

Thanks to +Bonnie Clydes, the Power Circle is now online. I hope it benefits you all who would like more interactive and engaging audience. 


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Monday, 22 September 2014

A simple formula to calculate what day (Mon-Sun) any given date is/was/will be 

A simple formula to calculate what day (Mon-Sun) any given date is/was/will be 

Karl Friedrich Gauss, one of the greatest mathematical physicists ever, and also known as the prince of mathematics (quite aptly so), had originally developed a formula using nothing other than simple arithmetic, to calculate the weekday of the 1st of January of any possible year. Even better, his formula can be used for both the Gregorian and Julian calendars, but since we're using Gregorian one anyway, let's stick to that. 

The formula, published after the death of Gauss, can be modified easily to calculate the weekday of any given date, which is pretty straightforward and neat. 

The formula 

Without further ado, here it is: 

W = { D + ( 2.6M - 0.2 ) + 5 Rem ( Y , 4 ) + 4 Rem ( Y , 100 ) + 6 Rem ( Y , 400 ) } mod 7

So, it requires a bit explanation at first. 

1. W = the weekday constant, which is to be matched against a rather simple table, here it is: 

W = 0 -> Sunday
W = 1 -> Monday
W = 6 -> Saturday 

2. D = the date of the month, aka 22 for today, 23 for tomorrow etc. 

3. M = f(m), a function of the month's number, given as M = f(m) = ( m - 2 ) mod 12, i.e subtract 2 from the month's number (1-12), divide it by 12 and grab the remainder. Also, it's 12 for February, and not 0. 

Still, for simplicity, here's the list: 

M (January) = -1
M (February) = 12
M (March) = 1
M (December) = 10 

4. Y = the year. Y = 2014 for this year. 

5. Rem is a remainder function, i.e Rem ( a , b) = remainder when b divides a. 

Example for today 
Unlike other sciences that require experimental verification, the beauty of math is that, you only need pen, paper and some brainpower. That's why, let's calculate the weekday for today, and see if the formula works. 

So, for today, the year is 2014, date is 22nd and the month is September, i.e the 9th month. Naturally, 

W = { 22 + ( 2.6 * 7 - 0.2 ) + 5 Rem ( 2014 , 4 ) + 4 Rem (2014 , 100 ) + 6 Rem (2014 , 400 ) } mod 7

= { 22 + 18 + 5 x 2 + 4 x 14 + 6 x 14 } mod 7

= 190 mod 7 

= 1 (since 190 = 7 x 27 + 1 , evidently)

Now, W = 1 -> Day = Monday! 

Further simplification and a second example 

One problem with this formula is that, calculations get lengthy at times. For example, if you intend to calculate the weekday of India's independence (August 15, 1947), then calculations using this formula will get long, and error-prone. Naturally, it can be simplified further with a simple modification:

Y = y + 100C,

where y = last two digits of the year (i.e YEAR mod 100), and C = the current century, i.e 20 for this one.

Then, W = { D + ( 2.6 x M - 0.2 ) + 5 Rem ( y , 4 ) + 3 Rem ( y , 7 ) + 5 Rem ( C , 4 ) } mod 7  

Let's verify the weekday of India's independence, 15th August, 1947. We know that it was a Friday, and let's check it. 

So, W = { 15 + ( 2.6 x 6 - 0.2 ) + 5 Rem ( 47 , 4 ) + 3 Rem ( 47 , 7 ) + 5 Rem ( 19 , 4 ) } 

= { 15 + 15.4 + 5 x 3 + 3 x 5 + 5 x 3 } mod 7 

= 75.4 mod 7

= 75 mod 7 (75.4 rounded off) 

= 5

And naturally, W = 5 -> Day = Friday


There are other methods for the same purpose. I posted one last year, which can be found here: (same guy here, just posting as my page this time) 

Also, there's Kraitchik's algorithm, but Gauss's method is better than both because it doesn't need us to remember any table of constants. This is why this simple algorithm continues to be my favourite. 


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Sunday, 21 September 2014

Trichotomy of control: a Stoic method to make our lives better 

Trichotomy of control: a Stoic method to make our lives better 
StuffThatMatters: Philosophy & Self-help  

One of the things I personally believe in life, is the Socratic assumption that good thoughts, belief-systems, values etc can heal our lives. This view has been challenged, for being overly simplistic, by many philosophers, thinkers, scientists and especially psychiatrists (for business reasons, obviously), but I have discovered time and again, that this view works to a great extent. Yes, your views can't change your whole life, or make obstacles magically vanish, but they will definitely have a positive impact on the very way you think, behave and react, if applied wisely and refined correctly. 

This is where stoicism comes into effect. For a long time, I had been searching for a philosophy I could relate to, and I devised a personal philosophical view of the world, which, although accurate (subjectively speaking, anyway), is a pessimistic approach to life. That's why I turned to ancient ethical philosophies of life, and discovered stoicism. 

What is stoicism? 

Since I'm writing this post for both philosophy-nerds like me, and common users as well, I guess it'd be better if I explain stoicism briefly at first. 

Stoicism is one of the great Hellenistic philosophies that developed after the BIG 3 - Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. It was first devised formally by Zeno of Citium, and then modified by a number of other thinkers. It grew immensely popular in the Roman empire, and under the watchful guidance of great Roman Stoics like Seneca, Rufus, Epictetus etc it developed into a reasonable, logical and powerful philosophy of life. Even the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius was a practising Stoic, as evident from his writing Meditations, which survives today as one of the greatest Stoic texts ever. 

The trichotomy of control 

Describing stoicism as a whole would take hundreds, if not thousands, of pages, which is not the objective of this post. But the best part of this great philosophy is that, you can take bits of it and apply them to your life in a practical way, without having to know stoicism by heart. 

In this way, stoicism's teachings are in many ways standalone systems of assumptions. 

At the heart of stoicism, especially the version of it popularized by Musonius Rufus and his greatest student Epictetus, is the dichotomy of control. Epictetus, born a slave, showed great promise in learning, and was allowed by his master Epaphroditus to join Rufus's school. 

The dichotomy of control is simple - it's a logical premise that there are two categories of things (for want of a better term) around us, namely: 

1. Things we can control


2. Things out of our control

However, later Stoics changed it into a trichotomy, adding a third category, an uncertain, grey area between the two extremes. Then the system became: 

1. Things we can control (A)

2. Things we can partly control (B)


3. Things out of our control (C)

Here, the second category includes all the happenings, in which our actions may or may not have a limited impact on the outcomes. The best way to describe this system is through modern exemplification. And so, here they are: 

Example (A): Say, the AC if off, and it's very hot. You can obviously lie down and continue complaining, feeling miserable, accusing God/nature for the extreme heat etc, or you can just get up and turn the AC on (this is a very rough example, I admit). 

Example (B): Say, you want to develop good muscles. You can exercise, follow a healthy lifestyle, plan and maintain a diet, eat less junk food etc, but ultimately it's not certain whether you'll get those six pack abs. However, if you follow a logical sequence of activities, your chances of getting them get better, with time. 

Example (C): You get out for a stroll, and immediately it starts raining heavily. Other than grabbing an umbrella, there's virtually no respite from the rain. 

Almost everything we face can be categorized into this system of trichotomy, and once we do that, stoicism advises us to choose how to react to them. 

The trichotomy of actions 

For everything in A, we should learn to take responsibility. Basically, it is assumed that we are solely responsible for how we think, feel and decide. 

For things in B, we should employ internalization as opposed to externalization of goals. What this means is simple, back to the abs examples. So you decide to workout for a year, and still you might not get as fit as you wanted to be. Here, instead of setting your goal to be getting those abs, it would be much wiser to change it to just getting a bit more fit than I am currently. Then, even if you don't get those abs, you'll feel better, with a sense of achievement. 

Internalization of goals is, in a way, to set goals in such a manner that they are easier to achieve, within our control, and reasonable to think about. Giving it our best is an example of this great stoic advice. 

Now, for things in category C, the stoic suggestion is simple - try your best to avoid the situations (i.e don't allow them to needlessly damage yourself), but accept your limited capacity and don't let them affect your inner tranquillity. In the rain example, we don't have any control over the process, and so it's best to let it be as it is, while trying out best, in a logical manner, to stop it from damaging us physically. Mentally speaking, we shouldn't allow the external disturbance to affect our mind. 


The standalone teachings of stoicism, if applied correctly, can add great value to our lives. And for opponents of this great line of thinking, I'd say that I exercise a pragmatic view regarding it - we can debate it forever, but it's better to just try and test it, see if it works, and then accept/leave it. 


A guide to good life: the ancient art of Stoic joy (W. Irvine)

Meditations (Marcus Aurelius, also thanks to its free LibreVox recording)

Philosophy for life and other dangerous situations (Jules Evans) 


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Saturday, 20 September 2014

Ancient water technologies that changed the history of the planet

Ancient water technologies that changed the history of the planet
StuffThatMatters: Science & Technology

Water is one of the most crucial resources for any civilization, and the world as a whole. Cultures have perished in history, because of drying up of rivers, while whole nations crumbled because of excessive rainfall, Tsunamis and oceanic disasters. That is why, the ancient cultures of the world had to rely on sophisticated technologies and engineering, to make efficient use of water, or risk drying up themselves.

Here, I list 5 really simple, but amazingly innovative technologies, that our ancients had developed for water management. I don't include the very common water wheel stuff, for obvious reasons. And obviously, the size limit of the post doesn't give me room to describe each and every technology, but these 5 technologies were definitely among the topmost innovations of the ancient period.

1. Aqueducts (India, Greece, Roman empire)

The earliest aquedacts have been discovered in the Indian subcontinent, centred around the Tungabhadra river, as well as around the IVC (Indus Valley Civilization) region in the north-western part of the subcontinent. The IVC was a very sophisticated civilization in terms of technology and innovation, and their city layouts consisted of a central citadel and a surrounding lower town or down town. Rectangular layout of the IVC cities helped build and sustain large aqueducts, which made use of descending gradients to carry waste water away from the city.

The largest early aqueducts in India were as long as 25 km in length, centred around modern day Hampi. Similar designs had also been built independently (this is debatable, though) in west Asia, Egypt and Greece back then.

However, the aqueduct technology reached its peak with the Roman empire. Romans built some of the largest aqueducts of the ancient world, breaking the Indian record (although this was at least 1500 years after the first Indian aqueducts). More than 10 aqueducts served the capital region of Rome during the peak of imperial Rome, and carried water from nearly 92 kilometers away, into the city. And this was wholly done with the force of gravity alone, with distribution tasks built to act as supply storages in between. The slope of these channels could be around 30:1, i.e every 30 metres would see a 1 m descent.

2. Shaduf (Egypt)

In ancient Egypt, the Nile was the source of most of the water required by the people. In the fertile valleys on the twin sides of the Nile, agriculture demanded a fast, easy and effective method of irrigation. For this, the Shaduf was developed.

The Shaduf is actually a modification of the lever, and employs a very large mechanical advantage. It consists of a pole balanced on a crossbeam, with a bucket attached to one end of the pole with rope. The farmer would pull the rope to bring the bucket down, immerse the bucket in water and loosely hold the rope as the pole balances back to its original position, thereby lifting the bucket-full of water. This allowed the ancient farmers to irrigate their fields without much effort, as opposed to manually lifting the bucket.

In drier seasons, when the water level in the Nile became lower, longer poles and ropes could be used for immersing the bucket. In later models, the poles could also be swung around, to empty the water in another part of the farm.

3. Stepwells (India)

Since the foundation of the Indo-Aryan civilization in north-western India, the Indians faced a tremendous problem of water-scarcity in the region, especially because of the low rainfall in the arid parts. This forced the ancient Indian engineers to develop what are called stepwells, cylindrical tanks that extend deep into the water table below, and protected from the scorching heat with the help of constructed roofs.

The earliest stepwells were developed in the 2nd century AD, although Moenjodaro of the IVC did have a few structures that were similar to stepwells in design.

The stepwells are named so, because they have stones cut in the form of steps that lead to the central well. During the monsoon months, rainwater is naturally harvested, and it replinishes the water level. Covers are built to protect the water from external agents. When water level rises sufficiently, the we have to descend less, to get the water.

Other than acting as fresh water reserves, stepwells also had great religious and cultural significance. People of the rural communities often gathered in the buildings to enjoy the cooler summer noons, thanks to the dampening and cooling effect of the site.

4. Artificial canals (China)

In the 4th century BCE, Chinese rulers saw the need to connect the natural waterways of China, especially the Yangtze river in the south, and the Huai river in the north. This made the Chinese builders find a way, through marshes and lakes in between, to construct the world's first full-fledged artifically built canal connecting the two rivers. This provided the much needed waterway for transport in China.

Today, the Grand Canal of China is the longest artificially built canal in the world, covering more 1776 kilometres of extent.

5. Inverse siphons (Roman empire)

The previously mentioned aqueducts were of great important to the Romans, especially those dwelling in Rome itself. Since Rome contained lots of public bathhouses, fountains etc it needed a large amount of water, not all of which was readily available in the neighbourhood. As such, the Romans built giant aqueducts with inverse siphon mechanisms and collecting tanks, to use a practical version of Pascal's principle.

The inverse siphons were put in place where the natural terrain did not support building continuous aqueducts. At first, water from the higher portion of the aqueduct would deposit at the first collecting tank, which would then build up more pressure, forcing water into the pipes connecting the first collecting tank to the second. First, the water would descend, and then it would rise to the level of the second collecting tank, and then continue its journey along the remaining extent of the aqueduct.


As in one history channel documentary mentioned, the ancients were no fools. What they built may seem too childish and simple to us anyway, but back in those periods, those inventions and innovations were what kept the forward march of the human civilization intact. In fact, it would be better for us to learn from their simpler approaches to life, and incorporate this element of simplicity into our designs.

Maybe it's remotely similar to a practical version of Occam's razor.


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